Selected essays on American poetry

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“‘Wild Nights’?  Approaches to Teaching Nineteenth-Century Erotic Poetry”
In Teaching Nineteenth-Century American Poetry,
Ed. Paula Bernat Bennett, Karen L. Kilcup, and Philipp Schweighauser
(Modern Language Association, 2007) 37-50

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Dialogues of the Self: Toward a ‘Theory’ of (Re)Reading Ai”
The Journal of Gender Studies 7.1 (1998): 5-20

Reprinted in Poetry Criticism, v. 72 (Gale, 2006) 26-34

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“‘I stop somewhere waiting for you’: Whitman’s Femininity and the Reader of Leaves of Grass
in Out of Bounds:  Male Writers and Gender(ed) Criticism
ed. Laura Claridge and Elizabeth Langland (Massachusetts, 1990) 169-85

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“Welcome and Beware: The Reader and Emily Dickinson’s Figurative Language”
ESQ: A Journal of the American Renaissance 34.3 (1988): 181-206

Reprinted in Nineteenth-Century Literature Criticism, v.77 (Gale, 1999) 107-118

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